What to include on a Curriculum Vitae
There are hundreds of different types of Curriculum Vitae (all of them are variations on a theme) and all of them contain more or less the same information. Below is an example of a simple but correctly structured CV.
Personal details
- First and last names
- Place and date of birth
- Nacionality
- Home address including postcode
- Passport number
- Telephone number
- E-Mail address
Academic experience
(In cronological order beginning with the most recent)
- Name of course and titles awarded e.g. BA Hons in Busines Studies
- Name of the academic institution where you studied e.g. Oxford University
- Dates of the course
Complementary courses
(In cronological order beginning with the most recent)
- Name of course and tiltes awarded
- Name of the academic institution where you studied
- Dates of the course
(Beginning with your mother tongue, if necessary)
- Language
- Spoken and written level (normally: Elementary, intermediate or advanced)
Computing Knowledge
- Programming languages known or software used
- Level of knowledge (Professional or user)
Professional experience
(In cronological order beginning with the most recent)
- Dates
- Name of the company or organisation
- Address of the company or organisation
- Jov title
- Brief description of your responsibilites
Other pertinent information
Here you should include any other information that might interest a potential employer e.g. the fact that you have a clean driving licence, that you own a car and are prepared to use it for work purposes or that you are prepared to travel if required, etc.